Module ising_animate.examples.dynamic
This is a module with an example of usage of the class DynamicAnimatedIsing. An animation of an Ising Model with temperature T(t) = 1.0 + 0.3t and external magnetic field B(t) = sin(t).
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This is a module with an example of usage of the class DynamicAnimatedIsing.
An animation of an Ising Model with temperature T(t) = 1.0 + 0.3t
and external magnetic field B(t) = sin(t).
from ..ising import DynamicAnimatedIsing
from math import sin
import progressbar
import arrow
if __name__ == "__main__":
frames = 100
interval = 100
fps = 1000 / interval
dynamic = DynamicAnimatedIsing(
shape=(256, 256), # the shape of the lattice
temp=lambda t: 1.0 + 0.3 * t, # temperature as a function of time
field=lambda t: sin(t), # external magnetic field as a function of time
time_series=True, # plot evolution of physical quantities over time
interval=100, # interval of each frame
frames=frames, # amount of frames in the animation
time_string ="YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm")
fig_outfile = f"dynamic_{time_string}.gif"
print("Rendering animation...")
with progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=frames) as bar:
progress_callback=lambda i, n: bar.update(i),
print(f"Figure saved as {fig_outfile}")