Module ising_animate.lattice
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import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng()
class Lattice:
A Lattice of spins evolving acording to the
metropolis algorithm
shape : 2-tuple of ints; Default is (128, 128)
the shape of the lattice of spins.
temp : float; Default is 2.0
the initial temperature of the lattice as a whole.
j : float or 2-tuple of floats; Default is 1.0
the coefficient of interaction between neighboring spins in the lattice.
when a tuple is suplied, the first value is the coefficient for row neighbors
and the second value is the coefficient for column neighbors.
field : float; Default is 0.0
the initial value for the external magnetic field.
init_state : {"random", "down", "up"}; Default is "random"
the initial configuration of the spins in the lattice.
rows : int
number of rows of spins in the lattice
cols : int
number of columns of spins in the lattice
spins : int
total number of spins in the lattice.
The product between rows and cols.
temp : float
the current temperature of the lattice, in energy units.
A new value can be assigned anytime.
field : float
the current value of the external magnetic field, oriented
perpendicularlly to the lattice. A positive value represents
a up oriented field. A new value can be assigned anytime.
state : numpy.ndarray
an matrix with values representing the spins of the lattice.
-1 represents the down configuration, while +1 represents the up
init_state : numpy.ndarray
an matrix with values representing the initial configuration
of the lattice. -1 represents the down configuration,
while +1 represents the up configuration.
energy : float
the total energy of the lattice in its current generation.
mag_mom : float
the total magnetic moment of the lattice in its current generation.
energy_hist : list[float]
a list with the values of the total energies of the lattice during each
monte carlo step. This list is filled by a call to the update method,
and its mean value corresponds to the mean energy of the lattice.
mag_mom_hist : list[float]
a list with the values of the magnetic moment of the lattice during each
monte carlo step. This list is filled by a call to the update method,
and its mean value corresponds to the magnetization of the lattice.
def __init__(
shape=(128, 128),
j=(1.0, 1.0),
) -> None:
self._gen = 0
rows, cols = shape
self._rows, self._cols = self.shape = abs(int(rows)), abs(int(cols))
temp = abs(float(temp))
if temp:
self._temp = abs(temp)
self._field = float(field)
self.j_row, self.j_col = self.j = j
except TypeError:
self.j_row = self.j_col = self.j = j
if init_state == "up":
self.state = np.full(shape=self.shape, fill_value=1)
elif init_state == "down":
self.state = np.full(shape=self.shape, fill_value=-1)
self.state = rng.choice((1, -1), size=self.shape)
self.init_state = self.state = self.lattice_energy()
self.mag_mom = self.lattice_mag_mom()
self.energy_hist = []
self.mag_mom_hist = [self.mag_mom]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Lattice(shape={self.shape.__str__()}, temp={self.temp}, j={self.j.__str__()}, field={self.field})"
def rows(self):
return self._rows
def cols(self):
return self._cols
def spins(self):
return self.rows * self.cols
def temp(self):
return self._temp
def temp(self, value):
temp = abs(value)
if temp:
self._temp = abs(float(value))
def field(self):
return self._field
def field(self, value):
self._field = float(value)
def element_energy(self, row: int, col: int) -> float:
Returns the energy of an element of the lattice,
given its row and column.
return -self.state[row, col] * (
+ self.j_row * self.state[(row + 1) % self.rows, col]
+ self.j_row * self.state[(row - 1 + self.rows) % self.rows, col]
+ self.j_col * self.state[row, (col + 1) % self.cols]
+ self.j_col * self.state[row, (col - 1 + self.cols) % self.cols]
def lattice_energy(self):
"""Returns the total energy of the lattice"""
result = 0
for i in range(self.rows):
for j in range(self.cols):
result += self.element_energy(i, j)
return result
def mean_energy(self):
"""Returns the mean energy of the lattice"""
return np.mean(self.energy_hist)
def lattice_mag_mom(self):
"""Returns the magnetic moment of the lattice"""
return self.state.sum()
def magnet(self):
Returns the magnetization of the lattice,
i. e. the average of mag_mom_hist
return np.mean(self.mag_mom_hist)
def specific_heat(self):
Returns the specific heat of the lattice, i. e.
the variance of energy_hist
return np.var(self.energy_hist) / self.temp ** 2
def susceptibility(self):
Returns the magnetic susceptibility of the lattice, i. e.
the variance of the mag_mom_hist divided by the temp
return np.var(self.mag_mom_hist) / self.temp
def update(self):
"""Updates the system using metropolis algorithm"""
self._gen += 1
for _ in range(self.spins):
# Choose a random spin0 in the lattice
i = rng.integers(self.rows)
j = rng.integers(self.cols)
# Compute the change on the internal energy
delta_energy = -2 * self.element_energy(i, j)
if delta_energy <= 0 or rng.random() < np.exp(-delta_energy / self.temp):
self.state[i, j] *= -1 += delta_energy
self.mag_mom += 2 * self.state[i, j]
class Lattice (shape=(128, 128), temp=2.0, j=(1.0, 1.0), field=0.0, init_state='random')
A Lattice of spins evolving acording to the metropolis algorithm
ofints; Default is (128, 128)
- the shape of the lattice of spins.
:float; Default is 2.0
- the initial temperature of the lattice as a whole.
offloats; Default is 1.0
- the coefficient of interaction between neighboring spins in the lattice. when a tuple is suplied, the first value is the coefficient for row neighbors and the second value is the coefficient for column neighbors.
:float; Default is 0.0
- the initial value for the external magnetic field.
:{"random", "down", "up"}; Default is "random"
- the initial configuration of the spins in the lattice.
- number of rows of spins in the lattice
- number of columns of spins in the lattice
- total number of spins in the lattice. The product between rows and cols.
- the current temperature of the lattice, in energy units. A new value can be assigned anytime.
- the current value of the external magnetic field, oriented perpendicularlly to the lattice. A positive value represents a up oriented field. A new value can be assigned anytime.
- an matrix with values representing the spins of the lattice. -1 represents the down configuration, while +1 represents the up configuration.
- an matrix with values representing the initial configuration of the lattice. -1 represents the down configuration, while +1 represents the up configuration.
- the total energy of the lattice in its current generation.
- the total magnetic moment of the lattice in its current generation.
- a list with the values of the total energies of the lattice during each monte carlo step. This list is filled by a call to the update method, and its mean value corresponds to the mean energy of the lattice.
- a list with the values of the magnetic moment of the lattice during each monte carlo step. This list is filled by a call to the update method, and its mean value corresponds to the magnetization of the lattice.
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class Lattice: """ A Lattice of spins evolving acording to the metropolis algorithm Args ------------------ shape : 2-tuple of ints; Default is (128, 128) the shape of the lattice of spins. temp : float; Default is 2.0 the initial temperature of the lattice as a whole. j : float or 2-tuple of floats; Default is 1.0 the coefficient of interaction between neighboring spins in the lattice. when a tuple is suplied, the first value is the coefficient for row neighbors and the second value is the coefficient for column neighbors. field : float; Default is 0.0 the initial value for the external magnetic field. init_state : {"random", "down", "up"}; Default is "random" the initial configuration of the spins in the lattice. Attributes ------------------ rows : int number of rows of spins in the lattice cols : int number of columns of spins in the lattice spins : int total number of spins in the lattice. The product between rows and cols. temp : float the current temperature of the lattice, in energy units. A new value can be assigned anytime. field : float the current value of the external magnetic field, oriented perpendicularlly to the lattice. A positive value represents a up oriented field. A new value can be assigned anytime. state : numpy.ndarray an matrix with values representing the spins of the lattice. -1 represents the down configuration, while +1 represents the up configuration. init_state : numpy.ndarray an matrix with values representing the initial configuration of the lattice. -1 represents the down configuration, while +1 represents the up configuration. energy : float the total energy of the lattice in its current generation. mag_mom : float the total magnetic moment of the lattice in its current generation. energy_hist : list[float] a list with the values of the total energies of the lattice during each monte carlo step. This list is filled by a call to the update method, and its mean value corresponds to the mean energy of the lattice. mag_mom_hist : list[float] a list with the values of the magnetic moment of the lattice during each monte carlo step. This list is filled by a call to the update method, and its mean value corresponds to the magnetization of the lattice. """ def __init__( self, shape=(128, 128), temp=2.0, j=(1.0, 1.0), field=0.0, init_state="random", ) -> None: self._gen = 0 rows, cols = shape self._rows, self._cols = self.shape = abs(int(rows)), abs(int(cols)) temp = abs(float(temp)) if temp: self._temp = abs(temp) self._field = float(field) try: self.j_row, self.j_col = self.j = j except TypeError: self.j_row = self.j_col = self.j = j if init_state == "up": self.state = np.full(shape=self.shape, fill_value=1) elif init_state == "down": self.state = np.full(shape=self.shape, fill_value=-1) else: self.state = rng.choice((1, -1), size=self.shape) self.init_state = self.state = self.lattice_energy() self.mag_mom = self.lattice_mag_mom() self.energy_hist = [] self.mag_mom_hist = [self.mag_mom] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Lattice(shape={self.shape.__str__()}, temp={self.temp}, j={self.j.__str__()}, field={self.field})" @property def rows(self): return self._rows @property def cols(self): return self._cols @property def spins(self): return self.rows * self.cols @property def temp(self): return self._temp @temp.setter def temp(self, value): temp = abs(value) if temp: self._temp = abs(float(value)) @property def field(self): return self._field @field.setter def field(self, value): self._field = float(value) def element_energy(self, row: int, col: int) -> float: """ Returns the energy of an element of the lattice, given its row and column. """ return -self.state[row, col] * ( self.field + self.j_row * self.state[(row + 1) % self.rows, col] + self.j_row * self.state[(row - 1 + self.rows) % self.rows, col] + self.j_col * self.state[row, (col + 1) % self.cols] + self.j_col * self.state[row, (col - 1 + self.cols) % self.cols] ) def lattice_energy(self): """Returns the total energy of the lattice""" result = 0 for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.cols): result += self.element_energy(i, j) return result def mean_energy(self): """Returns the mean energy of the lattice""" return np.mean(self.energy_hist) def lattice_mag_mom(self): """Returns the magnetic moment of the lattice""" return self.state.sum() def magnet(self): """ Returns the magnetization of the lattice, i. e. the average of mag_mom_hist """ return np.mean(self.mag_mom_hist) def specific_heat(self): """ Returns the specific heat of the lattice, i. e. the variance of energy_hist """ return np.var(self.energy_hist) / self.temp ** 2 def susceptibility(self): """ Returns the magnetic susceptibility of the lattice, i. e. the variance of the mag_mom_hist divided by the temp """ return np.var(self.mag_mom_hist) / self.temp def update(self): """Updates the system using metropolis algorithm""" self.energy_hist.clear() self.mag_mom_hist.clear() self._gen += 1 for _ in range(self.spins): # Choose a random spin0 in the lattice i = rng.integers(self.rows) j = rng.integers(self.cols) # Compute the change on the internal energy delta_energy = -2 * self.element_energy(i, j) if delta_energy <= 0 or rng.random() < np.exp(-delta_energy / self.temp): self.state[i, j] *= -1 += delta_energy self.mag_mom += 2 * self.state[i, j] self.energy_hist.append( self.mag_mom_hist.append(self.mag_mom)
Instance variables
var cols
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@property def cols(self): return self._cols
var field
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@property def field(self): return self._field
var rows
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@property def rows(self): return self._rows
var spins
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@property def spins(self): return self.rows * self.cols
var temp
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@property def temp(self): return self._temp
def element_energy(self, row: int, col: int) ‑> float
Returns the energy of an element of the lattice, given its row and column.
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def element_energy(self, row: int, col: int) -> float: """ Returns the energy of an element of the lattice, given its row and column. """ return -self.state[row, col] * ( self.field + self.j_row * self.state[(row + 1) % self.rows, col] + self.j_row * self.state[(row - 1 + self.rows) % self.rows, col] + self.j_col * self.state[row, (col + 1) % self.cols] + self.j_col * self.state[row, (col - 1 + self.cols) % self.cols] )
def lattice_energy(self)
Returns the total energy of the lattice
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def lattice_energy(self): """Returns the total energy of the lattice""" result = 0 for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.cols): result += self.element_energy(i, j) return result
def lattice_mag_mom(self)
Returns the magnetic moment of the lattice
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def lattice_mag_mom(self): """Returns the magnetic moment of the lattice""" return self.state.sum()
def magnet(self)
Returns the magnetization of the lattice, i. e. the average of mag_mom_hist
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def magnet(self): """ Returns the magnetization of the lattice, i. e. the average of mag_mom_hist """ return np.mean(self.mag_mom_hist)
def mean_energy(self)
Returns the mean energy of the lattice
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def mean_energy(self): """Returns the mean energy of the lattice""" return np.mean(self.energy_hist)
def specific_heat(self)
Returns the specific heat of the lattice, i. e. the variance of energy_hist
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def specific_heat(self): """ Returns the specific heat of the lattice, i. e. the variance of energy_hist """ return np.var(self.energy_hist) / self.temp ** 2
def susceptibility(self)
Returns the magnetic susceptibility of the lattice, i. e. the variance of the mag_mom_hist divided by the temp
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def susceptibility(self): """ Returns the magnetic susceptibility of the lattice, i. e. the variance of the mag_mom_hist divided by the temp """ return np.var(self.mag_mom_hist) / self.temp
def update(self)
Updates the system using metropolis algorithm
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def update(self): """Updates the system using metropolis algorithm""" self.energy_hist.clear() self.mag_mom_hist.clear() self._gen += 1 for _ in range(self.spins): # Choose a random spin0 in the lattice i = rng.integers(self.rows) j = rng.integers(self.cols) # Compute the change on the internal energy delta_energy = -2 * self.element_energy(i, j) if delta_energy <= 0 or rng.random() < np.exp(-delta_energy / self.temp): self.state[i, j] *= -1 += delta_energy self.mag_mom += 2 * self.state[i, j] self.energy_hist.append( self.mag_mom_hist.append(self.mag_mom)